“The Teenage Lockdown Diaries” turns the spotlight on ‘lockdown teens’ during times of restrictions due to COVID-19: their carefully curated spaces, personal coping strategies, moments of Weltschmerz and hope. The result is a DIY-collage: a sneak peek through the cracked door of four teenagers’ rooms.

Platformization of Urban Life

We are honored and proud to be featured in Anke Strüver and Sybille Bauriedl’s (eds.) open access anthology on the „Platformization of Urban Life – Towards a Technocapitalist Transformation of European City“ (2022, trancript Verlag) with a book chapter!

Ghosting the City – Zooming in on Otherwise Publics in Virtual Worlds

During the pandemic, the public coming-together of differences has ghosted the city. Follow us on a performative ghost hunt, from invisible backyards and shadow kitchens, feeding an urban infrastructure, to the ghost work done on the remote shores of Lisbon. Join us in questioning controlling codes that privately aim to predefine urban futures; and in discovering the resistive fights for liberation in its ghosted cracks, in (virtual) otherwise worlds.